Driving Question:

What could really happen to me if I use alcohol, tobacco or other drugs? 


Drug use and drug related deaths are on the rise in Yolo County and throughout our nation. As such, there is a high chance that many students sitting in this room have been or will be offered the opportunity to try alcohol, tobacco or other drugs in junior high, high school or college.  Educating yourself about the effects of drug, alcohol and tobacco use will help you to make an informed choice if ever you are faced with the decision to use or not to use.

Project Overview: 

In this 6 week project, in teams of three, four or five, you will be researching one of the following areas of study: Marijuana, Opioids (Heroin, Opium, Codeine, Morphine, Fentanyl), Stimulants (Cocaine, Crack, Methamphetamine), Hallucinogens (LSD, MDMA/Ecstasy), Steroids, Alcohol,Nicotine, Inhalants (Huffing)

Using facts, statistics, quotes and information you find while researching your topic, your team will:

  • Create a fictional character that chooses to begin using the drug that your team researched
  • Create a timeline of events that happen in the life of the character you create once they start using the drug that your team researched
  • Create a final product that shows the journey your character took from the start of their addiction to the end of their addiction. You will have 20+ ways to show your character’s journey (make a video, website, piece of art, screenplay, journal, etc.)