The DVCA LCAP is a three year plan that describes the goals, actions, services and expenditures to support positive student outcomes. The purpose of the DVCA LCAP is to address how our school’s identified goals will meet the priorities of the State of California, as well as the local priorities of the school community.

The highest priority in the DVCA LCAP is to direct resources to our students that are furthest from opportunity, also called “Unduplicated Count”: foster students, students that are homeless, students living in poverty, and our English Learners.

As a dependent charter school of the DJUSD, the DVCA LCAP is developed by the DVCA administrative team with input from the staff, student and parent community and approved by the DVCA Advisory Board. It is then submitted to the DJUSD Board of Education for review and the posted here for the general public.

View DVCA LCAP documents at Da Vinci High School's website.