Counseling Announcements



I'm Mrs. Sindel and welcome to the Da Vinci Jr. High School Counselor page.  As your counselor, I can help you:

  • Improve your grades
  • Problem-solve (personal or academic)
  • Time management and organization
  • Find your strengths and best learning style
  • Deal with difficult emotions
  • Manage stress
  • And much, much more!

Course Planning 2025/26

7th graders

  • Monday, 1/27 students will hear about their course options for next year in their in English classes.  They will bring home a Da Vinci catalog and a Course Request sheet that a parent/guardian must sign and return.   You can review the presentation here:
  • Wednesday 2/12: Signed Course Request sheets are due back to the DV Office.
  • Thursday, 2/13 we will be entering their choices for 2025/26 into the student portal.

8th graders - NOTE Da Vinci 8th grade students are automatically enrolled at Da Vinci High School for 9th grade.  No new application is required!  Contact Ms. Sindel at [email protected] for more information.

  • Wednesday 2/5 The DVHS counselors will be in Science classes to start program planning for high school.  Counselors will work with students on their 4-year plan and choosing classes for 9th grade.  Your student will come home with more information that day, so please review it with them.
  • Friday, 2/7  8:30-9:15 Coffee with the Counselors:  Parents and guardians, please drop in and meet DV High School counselors.  They will be available to answer your questions about transitioning to high school, course selection, etc.  This will be at Da Vinci Jr. High!  Please check in in the front office first.   Please RSVP here:
  • Friday, 2/7 and Friday 2/14:  Ms. Sindel will hold lunch time sessions for 8th grade students with any questions in Ms. Zarnick-Ryan’s room.  Please bring your chromebooks!
  • Wednesday, 2/12 8th graders interested taking a tour at Da Vinci High School can sign up HERE. The tour is on a late start Wednesday from 8:30-10:30.
  • Thursday, 2/20 High school counselors will return to pick up course request materials for high school

Helpful Links:

DVCA Course Catalog 2025-2026

Restorative Practices:

Flow Chart
Restorative Form

DJUSD Wellness Resources

Helpful Information for Prospective Families
Schedule Change
  • Fill out this form to request a change. This process may take up to a week to complete.

Where is Mrs. Sindel?
Mrs. Sindel is located in the front office.  Feel free to make an appointment at any time.
Contact the Counselor
Health and Social Services Guide
  1. Short Term Emergency Aid Committee (530)758-8435 rental assistance, first month's rent, utility assistance, & food assistance
  2. Yolo County Health and Human Services (530)661-2750 public benefits programs including health insurance, food assistance, & cash assistance
  3. Yolo County Children's Alliance (530)757-5558 assistance applying for food benefits, health insurance + youth employment program
  4. City of Davis Homeless Services (530)979-4561 resource connection & case management + office hours Tues 10am-4pm at 604 2nd St.
Other Community Resources
  1. Care Solace - for help connecting to available counseling services in the area.
  2. Volunteers of America (916)265-3400 services for homeless veterans
  3. St. Vincent DePaul Society(530)979-4338 emergency financial assistance